What Is Punctal probing and Irrigation of tear duct? Why Is It Done?

Tear duct probing and Irrigation are used to treat the blockage of the nasolacrimal duct. A duct blockage frequently results from forming a very thin membrane over the tear duct or a blockage that prevents the tear duct from working.
When your tear drainage system is blocked, the tears you shed can linger in your eyes, leading to irritation. This results from a partial or complete blockage in the tear drainage system. Your eyes may be tearing excessively because the tear drainage system is poor rather than due to overproduction, which makes you unable to clear the excessive tears you’re making from your eyes.
Passing fluid through the tear drainage system is essential to draining your tears via ducts built into your eye. When that occurs, you are also unable to see, which increases your risk of infection and swelling of your eyes.

How does the tear drainage system work?
The lacrimal glands generate most of your tears. These glands are situated inside the upper eyelids above each eye. Tears tend to run down the lacrimal puncta, which are located inside the inner corners of your upper and lower eyelids. Your eyelids have tiny pores that drain fluid into the lacrimal sac on your face. From there, fluid proceeds from the ducts to your nose, where it is absorbed.
Tear duct blockage in newborn babies and how to deal with it?
This condition affects about a quarter of babies at birth. Blocked tear ducts may cause recurring eye infections and also retinal sores. Sometimes, tear opening happens typically as the child gets bigger. Sometimes, a doctor may prescribe radiotherapy of the lacrimal sac to help modify the tear duct. About 80 per cent of blocked tear ducts make a full recovery by nine months of age; even though massage and time, some tear duct blockages do not significantly go.
If the blockage persists for up to 9 months, the child should be evaluated by a pediatric ophthalmologist. After a thorough eye exam at the centre for eye care, the doctor will determine if the child needs to be treated with tear duct probing and Irrigation. Tear duct probing and Irrigation are often carried out in the operating room under general anaesthesia.

What is the procedure to clear the tear ducts?
By examining and irrigating your tear duct, an ophthalmologist can determine the severity of your blockage. Sometimes the Irrigation itself can remove the blockage and provide relief. In those cases, the testing and treatment for their obstruction are the same; however, other patients may have more severe or complicated blockages which will need further treatment.
The best ophthalmologist in Hyderabad will assess the degree of your obstruction so that they can recommend a treatment based on your specifications.

The excessive tearing condition is a rear case, but if you get diagnosed with it, it’s better to get the necessary treatment like minor eye procedures before further complications.
Are your experiencing symptoms of excessive tearing?
It’s better to get tested and know the status of your condition from one of the most reputed eye care hospitals in Hyderabad. At Global Eye Hospital Narsingi, we are well-equipped and experienced in offering all treatment options for excessive tearing.
Book your appointment now for all eye-related services at the best eye care hospital in Hyderabad.
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