Cataracts in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A cataract is a common eye condition in adults but can also affect children. A cataract is increased cloudiness or opacity of the eye’s natural lens, which can lead to blurred or distorted vision. In children, cataracts can occur for various reasons, and early detection and treatment are essential for preserving vision.

Causes of Cataracts in Children:
Cataracts in children can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
- Congenital: Cataracts that are present at birth are called congenital cataracts. These cataracts may be inherited or caused by an infection or illness during pregnancy.
- Trauma: Cataracts can also develop in children as a result of an injury to the eye.
- Medical conditions: Certain conditions such as diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and Down syndrome can also increase children’s risk of developing cataracts.
Symptoms of Cataracts in Children:
Cataracts in children can be challenging to detect, especially in infants who may not yet be able to communicate their vision problems. Some common signs and symptoms of cataracts in children include:
- A white or cloudy appearance in the pupil of the eye.
- Poor vision or difficulty seeing objects.
- Squinting or sensitivity to light.
- Wandering or misaligned eyes.
- Delayed developmental milestones related to vision include not following objects with the eyes.

Treatment of Cataracts in Children:
The treatment of cataracts in children depends on the severity and the child’s age. Sometimes, a mild cataract may not require immediate treatment and can be monitored over time. However, more severe cataracts may need an operation to remove the opaque lens and replace it with an artificial lens.
Early intervention is critical to prevent vision loss and promote normal visual development in cases of congenital cataracts. Surgery may be performed within the first few weeks of life to remove the cataract and allow normal vision development. In some cases, glasses or contact lenses may be needed after surgery to correct any remaining vision problems.
In addition to surgery, vision therapy and other treatments may be recommended to help a child develop normal vision after cataract surgery. Parents must work closely with their child’s ophthalmologist to ensure that their child receives appropriate treatment and follow-up care.

Cataracts are a severe condition that can affect a child’s vision and development. Parents should be aware of the signs and symptoms of cataracts and seek prompt medical attention if they suspect their child may be affected. With early detection and appropriate treatment, most children with cataracts can go on to develop normal vision and lead whole, active lives.

A comprehensive eye checkup at a centre for eye care will always give you a head start in maintaining your kid’s eye health. At Global Eye Hospital, we are well-equipped and experienced in offering all cataract treatment options.
Book your appointment for all eye-related services at the best eye care hospital in Hyderabad.
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